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Research activities


The section is composed of professors operating in scientific-disciplinary sectors of literary, linguistic, philological, historical, musical and artistic orientation.

Theoretical and Methodological Fields of Study: Introduction to Comparativism

(A few results of the research are reported here as an example)


a. Structures and functions of literary and artistic text

Studies on Comparative Literature and Intertextuality (cf. Comparatistica e Intertestualità, edited by G. Sertoli, C. Vaglio Marengo, C. Lombardi, Alessandria, dell’Orso, 2010), about Plot and Characters (cf. Il personaggio nelle arti della narrazione, edited by F. Marenco, Roma, Ed. Storia e Letteratura, 2007), on History and Narration (cf. Storia e NarrazioneRaccontare la storia. Realtà e finzione nella Letteratura europea dal Rinascimento alla Contemporaneità edited by S. Bronzini, Roma, Ed. di Storia e Letteratura, 2009), on Time and Narration (cf. Profezia e disincanto. Il tempo  a venire nella tradizione letteraria e musicaleedited by L. Marfè, Messina, Mesogea, 2013), in the frame of the relationships between Literatures and Visual, Musical and Performing Arts.

b. Plurilinguism 

Analysis of the different forms of coexistence and interaction between literary, dramatic, musical and artistic languages in the 20th century in Europe and worldwide: theme, formal, stylistic and genre interferences. (cf.  Plurilinguisme et Avant-gardes, coordinated by F. Bruera et B. Meazzi, Berlin, Peter Lang, 2011; L'improvvisazione in musica e in letteratura, edited by G. Ferreccio, L'Harmattan, Torino, 2007)

c. Classicism vs. Modernity

Models and methods of analysis in a diachronic perspective, from the classical world to the Middle Ages to modern times, with a special focus on the comparison between literary and artistic system; (cf. Classico e Moderno. Percorsi di creazione e formazione, edited by di M.T.Giaveri, L. Marfé, V. Salerno, Messina, Mesogea, 2011).

d. Modernity and Postmodernity

Interdisciplinary studies on the art and literature of the 20th century, conducted with particular attention to the critical analysis of the dominant theoretical and methodological models. Theoretical features of the modern and the postmodern. Written practices which investigate the surpassing of postmodernism (new realism, nueva crónica, etc.) in relation to the philosophical developments of either New Realism or New Morphology; (La lingua delle origini nel Novecento. Poeti e filosofi, a cura di G. Ferreccio, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso, 2010; Oltre il Postmoderno? edited by M. Ciccolari Micaldi, special issue of “Cosmo”, Torino, n. 1, 2012)

e. Hermeneutics and Literature

Studies in the fields of Literature and Culture, conducted from a methodological, strongly hermeneutical point of view: from the conflict of interpretations to the infinite interpretation, in search of a “besser Verstehen” (better comprehension) of the text.

Theoretical, Critical and Methodological Studies on the interpretations of ancient myths in Europe, aimed to investigate the mythological-critical dimension as well as the special literary and expressive characteristics underlying the rewritings of the contemporary era (cf. Le mythe mode d’emploi: pour une herméneutique littéraire des réécritures mythiques, sous la direction de F. Bruera et G. Boggio, « Interférences Littéraires », in press; Beyond deconstruction: rethinking Myth, Reconstructing Reason, edited by A. Martinengo, Berlin, De Gruyter, 2011).

f. Text Translations and Transpositions

Studies and research on semantic, philological, philosophical and epistemological issues in relation to translated texts and their circulation. See

g. Genetic Criticism

Proposals for the interpretation of avant-garde Literary texts, in the light of their metamorphosis and of the process of textual genesis. See

h. Comparativism and Globalisation

Studies aimed to investigate the contemporary in Art and Literature, to the new media, and the new forms of knowledge and of artistic and literary expression which are associated with them.

i.  History of Literary Criticism

Study of the normative and analytic criteria that have regulated – in the different periods of Literary Tradition – the reading, interpretation and evaluation of literary texts (cf. R. Gilodi, Origini della critica letteraria. Herder, Moritz, Shlegel e Schleiermacher, Milano, Mimesis, 2013)

l. History of Art

Identification of the patterns and staples that govern the development of figurative Languages, including those belonging to the field of architecture, a discipline which has helped to determine the idea of modern metropolis.

The conceptual architecture of design as creative dimension, theoretical construct and linguistic, interpretive source and structure of visual thought.


Research paths 


Scientific Literature of Europe and of the Arab world – Scientific and Technical Literature in Italy during Middle Ages and Renaissance: texts, documents, vocabulary – Medieval Translations. Latin to Vulgar and Vulgar to Vulgar – Material and Intellectual Forms of text and culture diffusion.


In Europe – Between East and West – Historical Linguistic Minorities – France and Italy, languages and literatures in comparison – International Francophonie – Italian Novellieri in Europe – Hispanic Space – Spain and Europe.


The Arts of Modernity – Contemporary Works (in European, American, Hispanic areas) – Genre Literature – Literature and Economics – Philosophy and Literature – Literature and Fine Arts – Drawing as linguistic structure and interpretation of visual thinking – Literature and Music – Music as a Language – Transmediality and intersemiotic rewritings – The Short Form.
Last update: 10/03/2021 16:06
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